Season 2023-2024



with the

Moroccan university theatre

as honnor guest

from 23rd to 27th

April 2024

Infos pratiques

From 23rd to 27th april

In different places in Liège (TURLg, Centre Culturel de Seraing, Chapiteau d’Arsenic et B8 (Sart-Tilman), Foyer Culturel de Jupille, Auberge de Jeunesse Simenon)
See addresses

For whom? RITU is open to everyone


  • 12€ – PASS RITU
  • 9€ – Full price
  • 7€ – ULiège staff member, Job seeker
  • 4€ – Students from other universities
  • 5€ – Group (min 10), contact

Free for students from ULiège

You want to see multiple plays? Take a PASS RITU !
For 12€,  you can book multiple plays of the RITU (pay attention that this PASS is nominative).


4.48 Psychose
| 4pm | Salle TURLg | 60′ | French, Arabic and Darija
Group from Theatre Management Space, National Business and Management School of Tanger (Morocco)

Lipstick Stick
| 20h15 | CC Seraing | 60′ | Arabic (surtitled in English)


Troup from Alshafaq, University of Technical Sciences de Muscat (Sultanate of Oman)

The play wil be followed by

a concert of Flow&Aborë

🚌To attend the play « Lipstick Stick », it is possible to book a seat in our free shuttle (departure at 7.30pm), limited number of seats, please contact :


African Psycho CANCELLED

| 11am | Chapiteau Arsenic | 60′ | French

University troup from the University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)

Campfire Tales : Apocalypse Now aka Escaping Animals
| 3pm | Sart Tilman | 60′ | Estonian
University Troup of Tartu (TÜT), University of Tartu (Estonia)

Les Musiciens de Brême
| 8pm | Salle TURLg | 50′ | French
Troup from TURLg, University of Liège (Belgium)


| 4.15pm | Salle Prévers, Foyer Culturel de Jupille-Wandre | 45′ | Arabic
Troup of the Superior Dramatic Arts and Cultural Animation Institute , Rabat (Morocco)

Intolérance ravageuse
| 8.15pm | Salle TURLg | 50′ | French
Troup of Théâtre de la Fraternité, École Supérieure de Théâtre « Jean Pierre Guingane » (Burkina Faso)


The Other
| 8pm | Salle TURLg | 55′ | French and English
Troup of Ô Théâtre, GEC – Management School of Marrakech (Morocco)

Glou Comedy Show
| 9.30pm | Salle TURLg | 70′ | French and English
Glou Comedy Show Troup, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)


| 3pm | Salle Prévers, Foyer Culturel de Jupille-Wandre | 60′ | French and Arabic
Troup of the
Arlequin Theatre , University Hassan 2 Mohammedia, Casablanca (Morocco)

| 7.30pm | Salle TURLg | 60′ | In French
Troup from TURLg, University of Liège (Belgium)


4.48 Psychose

April 23 | 4pm | Salle TURLg | 60′ | French, Arabic and darija
Group from Theatre Management Space, National Business and Management School of Tanger (Morocco)

The story of a young patient in a psychiatric hospital who, driven by depression, considers suicide. The play reveals her inner thoughts, her emotions and conflicts. It explores themes like pain, despair, isolation and the complexity of mental illness.

ETM (Management Theatre Space) is a cultural club founded in 1995 with an artistic vocation within the National School of Commerce and Management of Tanger. With two decades of commitment in theatre, the club has established itself as unavoidable in the university artistic community.

Lipstick Stick

April 23 | 8.15pm | CC Seraing | 60′ | Arabic
Troup from Alshafaq, University of Technical Sciences de Musact (Sultanate of Oman)

The play revolves around the suffering of a patient with gender identity disorder, as he is divided into two personalities, a body, and a soul, in a struggle over his identity, a struggle over his desires, and a struggle over his ability to confront society with his identity, feelings and feelings. The body refuses for the soul to reveal its identity between them. The soul struggles for that, even inside a closed room, where it is stripped of the identity of the body, away from the eyes of people, bullies, and rejecters. A struggle we will see how it will end.

It is a private theatrical troupe established in 2012 by a group of young academics affiliated with some universities and colleges and graduates from inside and outside the Sultanate to be a tributary to the Omani theater and a window for them to go outside the framework of competitions organized by universities and colleges to join other Omani private theatrical groups that compete in various local and international competitions. The band was officially affiliated with the Ministry of Heritage and Culture in 2016.

CANCELLED African Psycho

April 24 | 11am | Chapiteau Arsenic | 60′ | French
University troup from the University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)

Grégoire Nakobomayo, orphelin, grew up in an industrial city of the postcolonial Africa. Welcomed for a few time by an educated couple, he receives a bourgeois  education until that day when he sticks a pencil inside the eye of their only child who is trying to rape him. Constrained to flee, he hide in the most dilapidated neighborhood of the city and follows “Angoualima”’s model. He is a well-known serial killer who has been defying the country, its judges, cops and journalists for many years. But not everyone can be a serial killer.

Around fifteen members compose the university theatre troup of the University of Yaoundé 1 and most of them are women. It is also active in forum-theatre, not far from social intervention theatre and it animates awareness shows all over the campus.

Campfire Tales : Apocalypse Now aka Escaping Animals

April 24 | 3pm | B8 – Sart Tilman | 60′ | Estonian
University Troup of Tartu (TÜT), University of Tartu (Estonia)

Distant future. The earth is turned to vast waste ground. By a lonely fire there’s a starving man who spends his last days playing tunes on instruments made of dump. Suddenly, other people start to gather around the fire, to get warm for survival. In the campfire circle, stories from old times are recalled and played to each other. Lores unite them and a little hope emerges. Will they be able to maintain fire and hope and make something better, or will greed and arrogance of human beings prevail.

Through its 25 years history, Tartu Student Theatre (TÜT) has produced approximately 50 productions and nearly 40 of our former members work in professional theatre. The main aim of our theatre is staging the texts which are either unknown or new to the Estonian theatre.

Les Musiciens de Brême

April 24 | 8pm | Salle TURLg | 50′ | French
Troup from TURLg, University of Liège (Belgium)

In a hidden lair, deep in the forest, a bench of brigants parties loudly in the middle of the treasures amassed during their crimes when suddenly, by the window, one of them sees the shadow of a frightening and noisy monster.They all panic! 


Actually, it is just an improvised orchestra by four animals : a donkey, dog, a cat and a rooster who decided to go on an adventure and seek fortune by playing music in Brême.


April 25 | 4pm | Salle Prévers, FC de Jupille-Wandre | 45′ | Arabic
Troup of the Superior Dramatic Arts and Cultural Animation Institute , Rabat (Morocco)

In a public hospital garden, Ahmed and Aïcha cross paths fortuitously. While Ahmed is waiting for his wife to give birth to their fourth-born child, Aïcha is expecting results from her blood test. During their conversation, two characters are revealed, ambiguous challenges, profound pathologies and existential questions.

The troup of ISADAC puts together students from three different sector : interpretation, scenography and cultural animation. The Higher Institute of Dramatic Art and Cultural Animation is an establishment placed under the supervision of the Cultural Minister.

Intolérance ravageuse

April 25 | 8.15pm | Salle TURLg | 50′ | French
Troup of Théâtre de la Fraternité, École Supérieure de Théâtre « Jean Pierre Guingane » (Burkina Faso)

A young man comes home from a trip and tells his family that he has converted to a new religion that he now tries to impose on others, using force. The play is about forms of intolerance that develop in our society and that can take political, religious or cultural characteristics. “Devastating Intolerance” is a call for tolerance, promoting interculturality and living together. 


Founded in 1975, by the professor Jean-Pierre Guigané, who was then a teacher at the municipal High School of Ouagadougou, the Theatre of Fraternity is the deanery of theatrical troups in Burkina Faso. Its principal purpose is to “exploit at its full potential the african cultural heritage in general and particularly burkinabe when it comes to dramatical expression”. Now, its plays are profoundly rooted in the cultural heritage of Burkina Faso and in Africa.

The Other

April 26 | 8pm | Salle TURLg | 55′ | French and English
Troup of Ô Théâtre, GEC – Management School of Marrakech (Morocco)

During this period of time leaded by conflicts, wars, racism, sexism and xenophobia, it is now more than ever time to break mental borders and hustle emotional barriers that keep us from recognizing one another. Between body and space and throughout a delightfull composition of traditional music, the young actors of GEC Marrakech will transport the public across “The Other” with a large variety of scenes drawing social and cultural situations in human history.

The main purpose of the ÔTheatre Atelier in GEC Marrakech is to develop expression and creativity in everyone through improvisation and corporal technical exercises : gesture, voice, space, time, work on directing, texts and writing.

Glou Comedy Show

April 26 | 10pm | Salle TURLg | 70′ | French and English
Glou Comedy Show Troup, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Each show is directed by the Master of Ceremony who will present you some rising stars of laughter mixed with novice artists of university stand-up in a benevolent and good mood atmosphere. An introduction video will immerse you in the peculiar and absurd world of the Glou Comedy Show ! Laugh and support a good cause : Glou Comedy Shows provides support to the Center of Prevention for Marital and Familial Violence.

The Glou brings together rising stars of laughter and novice artists of university stand-up in a benevolent and good mood atmosphere. All tinged by the peculiar and absurd world of the Glou Comedy ! The artists are reunited to provide support to the Center of Prevention for Marital and Familial Violence. 


April 27 | 3pm | Salle Prévers, FC de Jupille-Wandre | 60′ | French and Arabic
Troup of the Arlequin Theatre , University Hassan 2 Mohammedia, Casablanca (Morocco)

After fifteen years, five young girls meet at the women’s shelter where they spent a portion of their childhood with their mothers. Each one of them seems reserved and isolated, but behind their veiled faces, artificial smiles and childish joy, hides a huge pain. 

“Arlequin”, university theater workshop affiliated with the master studies of theatre of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Mohamadia. The play “Refuge” is the first creation of the troup.


April 27 | 7.30 pm | Salle TURLg | 60′ | French
Troup from TURLg, University of Liège (Belgium)

They told them to run to evacuate. So they run but nothing changes : time does not faster nor slower. The deadline is approaching : 61 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes. There is nothing you can do, and waiting seems to be the only alternative. What to do with all this waiting ? Watch time go by, stay fixed, distract yourself, look away, run away. Everyone waits like he can but the result will be the same for everyone : the countdown will soon come to an end. In this connective creation, the group goes beyond waiting as inaction or as something you witness individually. It creates a movement, with the body and explores different aspects : apprehension, anticipation, patience


Activities will be published on April 15, 2024

Places of RITU

  • TURLg – Théâtre Universitaire Royal de Liège
    Quai Roosevelt, 1b, 4000 Liège

  • Centre Culturel de Seraing
    Rue Renaud Strivay 44, 4100 Seraing
  • Chapiteau d’Arsenic
    Boulevard de Colonster, 4000 Sart Tilman
  • B8 – Exèdre Dick Annegarn, maison des étudiants
    Boulevard du Rectorat, 4000 Sart Tilman

  • Foyer Culturel de Jupille-Wandre (salle Prévers)
    Rue Jean Hermesse 1, 4020 Jupille
  • Auberge de Jeunesse Simenon
    Rue Georges Simenon 2, 4020 Liège

Centre Culturel de Seraing
Chapiteau d'Arsenic
B8 - Maison des Etudiants et Exèdre Dick Annegarn
Foyer culturel de Jupille-Wandre (salle Prévers)
Auberge de Jeunesse Simenon