39th International Meeting of University Theatre
16th to 19th November 2022
Every year since 1983, the Turlg has been organizing the Ritus and welcoming troupes from all over the world to perform in Liège. This year, troupes from Great Britain, Lithuania, Morocco, Germany, USA and Belgium will honour us with their presence.

Thursday 16th November | 4:00 pm | TURLg
Liège Royal University Theatre
Liège, Belgium
(25’ / French)
The Yottameter: A unit of measurement of length in the International System, worth 1024 metres, and whose symbol is Ym, one of the largest units of measurement invented by man. But also the distance that can exist between ourselves and others.
Collective creation based on extracts from Xavier Durringer “Chroniques”
Directed by Cyriane Genot

Wednesday 16th November | 8:15 pm | Chiroux
Red Room Productions – Bath Spa University
Bath, Great Britain
(70’ / English)
What exists in the ‘thin places’ where the distance between the living and the non-living is closer? This Is The Land takes us on a mysterious journey of the British Isles and beyond – with its layers, sediments, joys, sorrows, and weather! Unearthing untold stories that whisper in wish’t places, echoes of folk-tales in the ‘everywhen’. The show explores the wild within us. Through quirky movement and dance, vocal-looping, atmospheric soundtrack, and five shapeshifting performers. A mash-up of stories, dances, memories, and images take you on a sensory and visceral journey through the seasons.
Text by Mary Steadman
Directed by Mary Steadman

Thursday 17th November | 4:00 pm| Chiroux
Theatre Studio “PALĖPĖ” – Gediminas Technical University
Vilnius, Lithuania
(80’ / no texte)
A one act theater game without end
This work emerged in 2020 during a difficult time for the whole world, the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the experience of two people, who have lived through times of quarantine, and involves a web of restriction and resistance, fear and faith, pain and the need to create.
Collective creation
Directed by Olegas Kesminas

Thursday 17th November | 8:15 pm | TURLg
Liege Royal University Theatre
Liège, Belgium
(70’ / French)
Looking back at the CETA
Our play offers to look back at an event widely talked about all around the world when, in the autumn of 2016, the Walloon Parliament opposed the signature of the trade agreement between the EU and Canada: the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Including, of course, the unprecedented civil involvement in the “STOP CETA!” campaign.
So what is the CETA? What is its recipe? What is Europe today and what are its options for tomorrow? What are all those free trade agreements, the TTIP, JEFTA and mercosur, imagining for us? And then, what is left of that autumn 2016? Over six years later, what are we looking at? What conclusions can we draw from all this?
With the text I am Europe by Falk Richter (Anne Monfort for the French translation)
Collective creation
Directed by Alain Chevalier
Sound and light operator Louise Robinson & Thomas Vielvoye

Friday 18th November| 4:00 pm | TURLg
Los Mutantes – Saarland University
Saarbrücken, Germany
(90’ / Spanish)
This work, marked more by harshness than by affection, captures, through a series of misunderstandings between couples, members of the same family and other less common couples, how abuse echoes through the relationships of its victims, to the point where they become victims. Acts fuelled by the natural instincts of the human experience, but twisted by a twisted notion of love and fear of abandonment. Each misunderstanding exposes his characters, exposing their wounds, their infections and their emotional amputations.
Text by Sergi Belbel
Directed by Cecilia Paladines

Friday 18th November | 8:15 pm | Chiroux
Teatro Travieso, College of Wooster
Wooster (OH), United States
(50’ / English
CAGED is about a broken immigration system that treats migrants as criminals, rather than as human beings. The play focuses on the effects of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy that separated families at the US-Mexico border and left thousands of Latin American immigrant children incarcerated in detention centers. In the play, 3 children struggle with what it means to endure the journey to the United States and to be separated from their loved ones. Based on intensive research, this play was created during the COVID-19 pandemic and this staging is an expansion of the 2020 online production.
Text by Jimmy A. Noriega
Directed by Jimmy A. Noriega

Saturday 19th November | 4:00 pm | TURLg
The Goulougoulou – Brussels Free University
Brussels, Belgium
The stand-up collective “Goulougoulou Comedy Show” is coming to RITU! Throughout the show, you will meet rising stand-up stars. What is certain is that there will be some good, some very good and some excellent. A number of comedians have answered the call to make this a relaxing late afternoon. Did you have a hard day at work? Have you survived 3 hours in an office with a colleague who has as much joie de vivre as a brick? There’s only one remedy: laughter! Laugh and support a good cause. The Goulougoulou Comedy Show supports the Centre for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. A hat will be passed around at the end of the show where you can make a donation which will be entirely donated to the association.
Directed by Nicolas Mazzoni and Youri Nawara

Saturday 19th November| 8:15 pm | Chiroux
ÔThéâtre – GEC Marrakech
Marrakech, Morocco
(60’ / French and Moroccan dialect)
The legendary history of a district of Marrakech serves as a backdrop for this pleasant and exotic show, all in parables. In a context of tumultuous alleys where inhabitants of different religions rub shoulders: itinerant merchants, shopkeepers, beggars, storytellers and of course countless women. The Kasbah, a neighbourhood where cultures and civilisations live together, a place of inter-religious dialogue where Muslims, Jews and Christians live in harmony. A model of civilisation, tolerance and peaceful cohabitation. Kamal is an extraordinary character, so extraordinary that he could be mistaken for a fiction. Yet here he is, on stage, invited to tell the story of his life. Kamal has seen and done almost everything. On stage, Kamal talks unfiltered about his adventures, his memories, his hopes, his doubts, and about “Jamila”, the beautiful and mysterious neighbour who has become a fortress. Kamal is madly in love with her; a courteous love sublimated to the extreme. An hour of concentrated life that contains a thousand lives, where reality and fiction become one. An exposure that illuminates us.
Text by Hassan Machnaoui
Directed by Hassan Machnaoui